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Please visit our new website and blog:

End of Year Giving to Team Heart

All proceeds from this gift will help fund Team Heart to provide cardiac surgery to young adults suffering from rheumatic heart disease in Rwanda, a country that has no surgical options. Team Heart is partnering with the citizens of Rwanda to build an "in country" cardiac surgery program, while developing early detection, prevention and education programs to prevent years of suffering and early deaths due to undiagnosed strep infection.

Please send check made to Team Heart, Inc.
Team Heart, Inc.
75 Francis Street CA-211
Boston, MA 02115

Thursday, April 23, 2009

From Lindsey Couture

I am sitting in the hospital as the ICU is starting to close down and reflecting on the past two weeks here in Rwanda. I joined team heart at the last minute, two weeks before they departed so I was unsure of what to expect. In many ways this is something that is hard to describe. The nursing was very difficult at times due to equipment malfunctions, lack of supplies and limited varieties of medications. The patients were very sick and many times we came very close to reaching the limits of what we could provide. It has been amazing to see the patients transition through this process and the excitement on their faces as they are walking and doing things they haven't been able to do in so long. The smiles and hugs just make you melt. Every single person on this team has worked so hard and given hours upon hours of dedication and time to make this possible. I just want to thank everyone for this amazing opportunity. I am very blessed.

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